Quiz Bowl for Dummies
Now, now, I'm not saying you're dummies, I'm just borrowing the name of all the "how to" books that you see at Borders, etc.. Not a whole book here, just a few things to think about (especially if you're of the Macho or A-K persuasion!).
- Spread it out -- Don't wait until Saturday night or Sunday morning to cram it in! The passages are small enough that you can read it twice a day 10 minutes or less. Do this over the course of two weeks, and you'll have it nailed. Not a big time investment when you spread it out!
- Details, schmetails -- Take special note of names, cities, lists, etc.. These are easy things to make questions about, so you can expect to see them pop up come game day.
- Memory Verse -- Since it's worth two points, this is the key item in this year's bowl. Get it right, and you have a good chance of grabbing the bonus point for winning the week. Work together to have someone on your team ready to rock the verse on game day!
Well I hope this helps. Most of all, enjoy the Word, and remember that knowing it is the best prize. Have fun!
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