Brown Street Teens

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Quiz Bowl for Dummies

Now, now, I'm not saying you're dummies, I'm just borrowing the name of all the "how to" books that you see at Borders, etc.. Not a whole book here, just a few things to think about (especially if you're of the Macho or A-K persuasion!).

  • Spread it out -- Don't wait until Saturday night or Sunday morning to cram it in! The passages are small enough that you can read it twice a day 10 minutes or less. Do this over the course of two weeks, and you'll have it nailed. Not a big time investment when you spread it out!
  • Details, schmetails -- Take special note of names, cities, lists, etc.. These are easy things to make questions about, so you can expect to see them pop up come game day.
  • Memory Verse -- Since it's worth two points, this is the key item in this year's bowl. Get it right, and you have a good chance of grabbing the bonus point for winning the week. Work together to have someone on your team ready to rock the verse on game day!

Well I hope this helps. Most of all, enjoy the Word, and remember that knowing it is the best prize. Have fun!


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