Brown Street Teens

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Updation Squared!

If you haven't been here for a while, be sure to read Becky's post below this one.

Yes, it's been way too long, but the sidebar is fully updated with details about Youth Group, Sunday School, E-Team, and event info. The Amazing Race is this weekend (see details on side)!! This will be an awesome time. I know this will conflict with Friday Night Football, but please believe me, the sacrifice with be worth it for you AND your friends! Please come!!

We've had quite a summer as a youth group. Firestone outreach, Camp, VBS, Missions week ... it all flew by so fast. I could type a post as long as a football field about all that's happened. In short, I would call it a summer of service. Sure, we had fun, but our focus was not just getting together to have fun, but to reach out to the needy world around us (and I don't mean financially needy!). I thank the Lord for all that He accomplished in us and through us. Let's pray for a great start to the school year, as we seek to shine for Christ together!