Brown Street Teens

Monday, June 26, 2006

Sunday School Follow-up

Hello all -- for your encouragement, here a couple of additional verses and thoughts about our testimonies to a world in need of Christ.

  • Ephesians 5:15-17 -- "Be very careful, then, how you live"
  • Titus 2:3-10 -- "so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive" (10)

Philippians 2:14 tells us to "do everything without complaining or arguing". So why is complaining damaging to our testimony? Well, just think -- who is the one who directs our lives and orders our circumstances? God, of course! So when we complain about the things in our lives, we're essentially saying that God is not doing a good job leading our lives. How can you be a testimony to bring a lost person to Christ when your complaining spirit says that that God cannot be trusted to lead your life well? That's why the Philippian believers (and, by extension, US) were urged to get rid of complaining and arguing.

Let's "shine like stars" (Philippians 2:15) for Christ!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Summer To Do's -- Clint's Column for June

Yes, summer is here (has been for a couple weeks). Gone at least for a little while is the daily grind of homework, tests, and such. It's my prayer that all of you have a very fun and safe summer. We have a number of exciting events coming up throughout the summer at youth group. Don't miss them!

On the subject of excitement, that is something that seems to be lacking during at least some parts of a teens' summer. It's amazing how often I get the response "boring" when I ask teens "How's your summer going?" If that's you (or even if you're not bored), I offer this short list of to-do's to cure the boring summertime blues:

1. Commit to daily Bible Study. Yep, daily! Take just a half-hour, and go on an adventure with God! So often, we Christians (me included) think of studying the Bible as a task to check off our list. Think of it as an adventure, where you daily find truth for your life. We grow when we read the Word and put it to work in our lives (1 Peter 2:2), and who doesn't want to grow? Some suggested topics -- Philippians (what we're studying in Sunday School), Acts, John. Or do a character study -- Joseph, Ruth, Nehemiah, Paul, etc.. Or is there a sin pattern or a struggle in your life that you want to get rid of? Look it up in the concordance at the back of your Bible, or ask a youth leader for guidance. Choose your adventure and go for it!

2. Commit to daily prayer. You're probably not surprised by this one! But our prayers are powerful in God's hands (Acts 4:31, James 5:16). There's not we can do by ourselves that can be described as powerful, but prayer is! Pray for friends, family, church, and take your burdens for lifting and your sins for cleansing.

3. Find a way to be a servant. Is there something that needs doing around the house? Do it for God! Or maybe there's someone who lives nearby who could use some help in their yard. Look for ways to use your free time to serve others (Galatians 5:13).

I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and memorable summer. Let's all grow in Christ. Don't forget the sunblock, and don't forget the Son!
