Missions '06 -- Operation Akron
Hi group, I wanted to post our decision for a missions trip this summer on the blog for all to see. As was announced in Sunday School Jan. 21, we have decided not to pursue a missions trip to Grandview, Washington or Ontario, Canada. The main reasoning behind this decision is that several of the youth leaders had job situations where they could not get away for a week. I want to emphasize that this decision was not from a lack of confidence in the desire, maturity, or ability of you teens. We believe that many of you are ready to take on such a challenge.
That is why we are still having a missions week this summer! "Operation Akron" will be the week of August 14th. We are planning to have a full week of missions activity, with events that will stretch your faith and give you a vision for how you might serve Christ full time as a missionary. Along the way, we will be trusting God to work through us to reach lost sinners all around us and strengthen our church. The only difference is that we will be working here in Akron and the vicinity.
"Operation Akron" will be a week different than anything we've ever done at BSBC Youth. Start getting excited now, and plan to be a part of it! We will be starting the planning for the week very soon. More to come!