Brown Street Teens

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Don't forget to turn in your four names to the prayer warrior captain on Sunday!


Don't forget to turn in your four names to the prayer warrior captain on Sunday!

Monday, December 26, 2005


Have YOU turned in your E-Team applications yet?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Thanks to the Carolers

We had another great CoffeeHouse a couple Fridays ago (December 9th). There were many new faces and everyone had much fun. In addition to the fun we had at the church, the group blessed many homes with the music of Christmas. Last Wednesday, we read Mrs. Barnes' thank you letter for visiting her house. Here is another thank you from Mrs. Nelson:

To all the adult workers and teens,

What a blessing all of you were to me and Sue!!!

I cannot tell you how I felt when I saw all you dear people on my porch, and on such a cold evening!

Blessed fellowship to hear the Christmas songs, and to watch your cheerful faces. Your visit will be my most favorite present this season.

Thank you!! Norma

P.S. I saved the cookies and candy until Sunday. We all enjoyed them. Thanks!

Good job, carolers. Isn't it a great feeling to be a blessing? "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." (Galatians 6:10)


Monday, December 19, 2005

E-Team Applications

Yesterday's Sunday School concluded the formal E-Team training. It was encouraging to hear lots of people asking questions and offering their thoughts on improving the youth group and keeping the E-Team going strong. That showed me that the group is interested in starting an E-Team. I am very excited for what God can do through us in '06.

Just a reminder to please have your E-Team applications turned in by this Sunday (Christmas). So far, I have received 7, so there's still some people we hope to hear from! At the Blastoff '06 meeting on the 28th, we will be announcing the roles of each E-Teamer and praying and planning for a great start to the E-Team on Jan 4.

Have a great, relaxing, safe, and fun Christmas break everyone! Since you all have a well-deserved break from school and studies, be sure to take some of that spare time to draw near to Christ through His Word and prayer. Don't worry, you'll have time to sleep in too!

Acts 20:34

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Well we have two more weeks of E-Team training during Sunday School. I'm hoping that in that time this will all come together, and we'll start off '06 with a bang for Christ.

I'm thinking on the second week (18th) we'll have some time for questions and discussion, but I wanted to ask now -- what do you all think about the E-Team? Concerns? Questions? Let's hear it! Leave a comment.


Open Season

In an effort to encourage commenting, I changed the blog to allow anonymous comments. Elizabeth, if you want to add that word verification thing, that would be cool. We'll check the blog regularly to delete any junk.

Happy commenting!
