Yesterday's Sunday School concluded the formal E-Team training. It was encouraging to hear lots of people asking questions and offering their thoughts on improving the youth group and keeping the E-Team going strong. That showed me that the group is interested in starting an E-Team. I am very excited for what God can do through us in '06.
Just a reminder to please have your E-Team applications turned in by this Sunday (Christmas). So far, I have received 7, so there's still some people we hope to hear from! At the Blastoff '06 meeting on the 28th, we will be announcing the roles of each E-Teamer and praying and planning for a great start to the E-Team on Jan 4.
Have a great, relaxing, safe, and fun Christmas break everyone! Since you all have a well-deserved break from school and studies, be sure to take some of that spare time to draw near to Christ through His Word and prayer. Don't worry, you'll have time to sleep in too!
Acts 20:34