Hey group, I was a bit surprised to see that no one is using the Sunday School devotion books. I thought the daily devotions were pretty good. Oh well, that's OK ... as long as you are studying the Bible in some other way on a daily basis. We can't ever forget that we need a steady diet of God's Word. 1 Peter 2:2 says that we should "crave" the Word, "so that by it you should grow in your salvation".
I'm having fried chicken tonight. I love fried chicken and I'm going to be craving it all day at work. Let's ask God to give us a craving for His Word, where we just can't wait to have it. Yeah, this is a good craving ... not only is it much lower in fat and cholesterol than fried chicken, it will enrich your daily life with wisdom and power!
So let's hear from you! Everyone who reads this, leave a comment about your personal devotions -- what are you studying, when and where do you do usually them, and what God is teaching you. You can also share what is difficult for you in studying the Bible if you want. We can encourage each other to "grow in grace and knowledge" (2 Peter 3:18).
I'm having fried chicken tonight. I love fried chicken and I'm going to be craving it all day at work. Let's ask God to give us a craving for His Word, where we just can't wait to have it. Yeah, this is a good craving ... not only is it much lower in fat and cholesterol than fried chicken, it will enrich your daily life with wisdom and power!
So let's hear from you! Everyone who reads this, leave a comment about your personal devotions -- what are you studying, when and where do you do usually them, and what God is teaching you. You can also share what is difficult for you in studying the Bible if you want. We can encourage each other to "grow in grace and knowledge" (2 Peter 3:18).
do i still count even if i'm not there? lol
i miss you guys a ton!
I have found it rather difficult since coming to college to make time for devotions. It's hard when you share a room to find that alone time. However, I do find that I am more likely to make time when I have a set reading plan. I kept hearing that before but it never became hugely real to me until I had a lot of other things to balance. Right now, I'm attempting to read through the book of Hebrews. I don't know if I will make it thru but that's where I am right now. God has taught me a ton through the first 2 chapters. It's amazing to see just how awesome and powerful and amazing Jesus Christ, God himself is.
Anonymous, at 10:55 PM
Yes, you count big time, B! Once a BSBC Youth-er, always a BSBC Youth-er! We miss you too. Hebrews is great. Pastor has been teaching it in the morning service.
Well, I guess I read this post while I was writing it, so I should share too. I usually have my devotions in the early morning, before I go to work and before the kids wake up and it's 45 minutes of organized chaos (if there is such a thing) getting them ready and off to school.
I usually study the Sunday School material for the coming week, and write in a prayer journal. I've found it helpful to write down my prayers and to be able to look back and see how they were answered. I also practice one or two of my memory verses. It's cool how often the verse I'm practicing is just what I needed to hear.
Like yesterday, Jeremiah 9:23-24 -- "This is what the Lord says: 'Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this -- that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, Who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight', declares the Lord."
There's nothing greater than knowing God. This verse encourages me to know God through prayer and His Word.
Anyone else?
Anonymous, at 6:33 AM
my devotions are going pretty good, so yeah how was that FRIED CHICKEN??????? haha... i like my devotions!
Emily Marie, at 2:43 PM
I am currently reading the book of John along with "My Utmost for His Higest." Pretty heavy reading. I also go over my Sunday School lesson each day when I am teaching. I do this all after packing lunches while Becky, Emily and Jimmy get ready for school. I make them get their own breakfast.
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM
I meant "Highest."
Anonymous, at 2:40 PM
The fried chicken was goooo-oood. But time with God is even better!
Anonymous, at 7:00 AM
how come no one is telling what their devotions are? is anyone doing them?
Anonymous, at 4:03 PM
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